Amazing tips! These are simple changes that anyone can make to be less wasteful and put away more money.
Nomada How FarJanuary 10, 2017 - 3:53 AM
Thanks Anaya! We hope to help other future travelers that are still dreaming about it.
Doing The DistanceJanuary 22, 2017 - 3:28 PM
Great tips, but when you earn enough to pay your bills, even with those tips is hard to save that much in such a short time haha ;)
Nomada How FarJanuary 23, 2017 - 10:18 AM
Hey! Yes of course, we understand that this won't apply for everyone. But it worked out for us like this because we had a cheap apartment, kept track of all our expenses and adjusted our lifestyle tremendously. We could save enough money from our pay check each month and Thomas also worked as a freelance designer aside from his 9-5 job. We understand that we're lucky that we could save this much but we just want to show that everyone can save more money by adjusting their lifestyle and applying these tips. But thank you for sharing your thoughts! :-D