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Leanne Bartlett October 11, 2017 - 7:57 AM
This post was so useful and my go to for our adventure across the border to Laos recently. One major thing we discovered at the border is, they will not process an E-visa. One poor German guy had to find his own way back to Dien Bien Phu as his E-visa wouldn't be cleared for exit out of Vietnam. Also there was an extra 20000kip per person for who knows??????.
Nomada How Far October 20, 2017 - 6:43 AM
Happy to see that it helped you during your adventure Leanne! It's good that you told us about the e-visa thing because we didn't had a clue about that issue. We've updated it now. Thank you very much!
Janek October 18, 2017 - 7:44 AM
Beware that with e-visa you cannot exit Vietnam through the border crossing between Dien Bien Phu and Muang Khua. The only exception is when you are leaving the country on the last day of your e-visa validity period. Otherwise, they just don't let you exit. Rather will point you to some other border crossing that allows e-visa (check their list on: You can take your bags from the bus, of course loosing all money that you've paid for the ticket and wait for any transportation back to Dien Bien Phu (bus about 11-12 or some car passing). The officers are really narrow minded. With 2 days before the expiration date they won't let you go even though traveling to any other border crossing would take about a day, not to mention money. Even an extra processing fee cannot do the magic... You have been warned. Cheers!
Nomada How Far October 20, 2017 - 6:39 AM
Thank you very much Janek for this valuable information! We have updated the article with this information to keep helping other travelers.
Nomada How Far October 20, 2017 - 6:47 AM
Thank you very much Janek for this valuable information. We've now updated the article in order to help other travelers during their border crossing. Safe travels!
Ara Coral December 12, 2017 - 4:58 PM
Hello, so, what border crossing You did?
Nomada How Far December 13, 2017 - 1:26 PM
We did the Dien Bien Phu border crossing.
kate March 8, 2018 - 8:47 AM
My boyfriend and I are about to take the bus to Laos from Sapa. We have read many horro stories like you said. Your post makes me feel so much better now. Thanks you for the tips!
Nomada How Far March 20, 2018 - 2:07 AM
Glad to hear! We hope everything went as planned?
Sean Little May 6, 2018 - 1:35 AM
Hi Kate - Did you have any problems with exiting this border crossing? Did you have an e-visa? I am looking at doing this same trip shortly and need to know if I'm going to run into problems. I am Canadian and purchased my visa back home, before leaving for this trip, through the online process, (after which the paper was mailed to me back in Canada). Please let me know as I'm quite concerned about getting into difficulties at the border.
Sean Little May 6, 2018 - 1:30 AM
Hi - I am a Canadian traveling in Vietnam currently and looking to exit Vietnam to Laos via the land border between DBP and Muang Kuah in the next week. I am concerned about the e-visa situation noted above. I purchased my visa using the online process and the piece of paper was mailed to me, back in Canada, before I left for my trip. Is my understanding correct in that II can only exit Vietnam at this crossing, with my visa, on the day it expires? Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks! Sean
Nomada How Far May 6, 2018 - 5:34 PM
Yes that's correct. Technically, Dien Bien Phu is not a border crossing that you can do on a Vietnamese E-visa. The only way to get through is indeed on the last day of your E-visa, because they won't let you overstay your visa. Good luck!
Sean Little May 7, 2018 - 1:37 AM
Thanks for confirming - Had I not found this yesterday, I'd have had some problems in the coming week! As it is I've altered my trip plan a little so that I am back in Hanoi to arrange my bus from there to Laos. Any suggestions on which border crossing is best to use from Hanoi? Thanks Again, Sean
Nomada How Far May 7, 2018 - 5:03 PM
I think that most people leaving from Hanoi take the bus to Vientiane. This will get you through the border of Cầu Treo and over there they accept a border crossing with an e-visa. Have a safe journey!
Sean Little May 8, 2018 - 1:05 AM
Thanks very much!
Kevin Cardoza October 1, 2019 - 4:35 PM
Hey! Just wanted to thank you for this blog post because it helped me plan my Vietnam/Laos trip better, and was a cheaper and more fun experience than having to go from Sapa back to Hanoi and then taking a plane. Also, wanted to let you and/or anyone else reading this blog that the e-visa service has been improved as of February 2019 and is now accepted at many more border crossings. You can even see on the same link used above ( that Tay Trang (Dien Bien Phu) is now listed as an option to use the e-visa. (However, I believe you can't get your e-visa completed there by immigration if going the other direction.)
Nomada How Far October 5, 2019 - 9:59 AM
Hey Kevin! Thanks for the update, really good to know! ?
Rohit Singh October 8, 2019 - 7:32 PM
Hi, This page is very informative. I am planning to visit Vietnam and then Laos in December'2019. So far I have come to know that there are two land ways to reach Laos from Vietnam. 1. Take a bus from Hanoi to Vientiane, which takes around 24-26 hours and costs around 22-25 USD. 2. Take the bus from Sapa and reach Muang Khua (Laos border) via Dien Bien Phu (Vietnam). I want to know about the cost and time taken during journey in option no.2. Is it cheaper than the 1st option? Does it take less time to reach Laos? Kindly guide.
Nomada How Far October 22, 2019 - 7:40 AM
Hey Rohit! If you’re not interested in visiting the Sapa and North of Vietnam’s higher regions, then your best bet will be the bus from Hanoi. However, Sapa is a great place for hiking and getting to know local culture. It’s very different then the rest of Vietnam. So it might be something to consider if you have the time. We suggest to spend at least 2-3 days in Sapa. From Sapa, it will take you one day, with an overnight and bus switch in Dien Bien Phu. Taking the local bus will be cheaper than your first option, but it’s up to you if you choose for ‘comfort’ or not. Your best way to reach Sapa is with the night train from Hanoi. So in general: If you’re short on time and no interest in Sapa, take the bus from Hanoi. If you have time, go to Sapa, enjoy the region and take the bus from Sapa towards Dien Bien Phu and from the bus station in DBP a bus towards Muang Khua. Cost-wise it’ll be a bit the same.
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